Welcome to D. Roy Kennedy - Home of the Bulldogs
We look forward to working with students, parents, and the community to help meet our students’ educational goals. We hope this handbook will help to keep everyone up to date about school routines, expectations, and information you may find helpful this school year. We welcome questions, so if you can’t find the answer in the following pages, please don’t hesitate to give us a call!
Student Code of Conduct
Each year we consult with school council and staff to establish a student code of conduct to complement the OCDSB code of conduct. At D. Roy Kennedy students are accountable for their actions and we are here to support them in learning how to make positive choices. When it is necessary to take some kind of disciplinary action with a student our goal is to be reasonable, consistent, and fair, following a progressive discipline approach. We look forward to working in collaboration with parents/guardians to support students in meeting expectations at school.
The staff at D. Roy Kennedy School recognizes the right of every student to learn in an orderly, secure environment structured by knowledgeable, caring professionals. This environment shall provide respectful limits to encourage each student to develop self-discipline and respect for others regardless of culture, age or gender. Please review the following student code of conduct with your child.
Code of Conduct
Students are expected to show courtesy and respect to all children and adults during all school activities and going to and from school.
Students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that respects the physical safety and emotional well- being of themselves and others.
Students are expected to follow the rules of the classroom as determined by the class and the classroom teacher.
Students are expected to exercise such care as to avoid damage to school or personal property.
Students are expected to complete all school work on time and to the best of their ability.
Students are expected to attend school punctually and regularly.
Students are expected to refrain from using inappropriate language.
Students are also expected to demonstrate conduct in keeping with the Provincial Code of Conduct, the OCDSB Code of Conduct and the OCDSB Community of Character Framework.
Responsible behaviour is encouraged when children are given opportunities to make choices and experience consequences. Consistent with the Ontario Safe Schools Act, a progressive discipline approach is used to allow students opportunities to learn from the choices they make. With these ideas in mind, the following steps will be taken.
a) Each student shall be given the opportunity to understand and discuss the school’s rules and guidelines.
b) Students who do not show responsible behaviour will meet with their homeroom or subject teacher in order to discuss their behaviour and how it affects our school community.
c) When a student repeatedly fails to follow school rules, the issue will be addressed by the Principal or Vice-Principal. One or more of the following consequences may be applied:
Verbal reprimand
Withdrawal from class
Writing a letter of apology or reflective writing
Restorative discussions
Restitution for damages
Conflict resolution
Volunteer service to the school
Withdrawal of privileges
In-school sanction
d) The Principal or Vice-Principal shall use the right to suspend as outlined in the Education Act.
Respectful Workplace Policy
The OCDSB is committed to providing a safe and healthy learning and working environment in which all individuals are treated with dignity and respect.
Grade Eight Student Awards
Principal’s Award: Presented to the student best exemplifying outstanding student leadership.
Leanne Jones Citizenship Award: Presented to the student making the greatest contribution to the life of the school.
Robert Goodfellow Most Improved Student Award: In recognition of great improvement in initiative, effort, and contribution to the life of the school.
Rotary Club Four Way Award: Presented to a student who consistently demonstrates the qualities of truth, fairness and good will.
Sue Scott Arts Appreciation Award: Presented to a student who has made a noteworthy contribution to D. Roy’s Arts programs.
Outstanding Athletes: Presented to the girl and boy who have contributed the most to the school’s teams.
David Donaldson Mathematics Award: Presented to the student with the highest academic standing in mathematics.
Saravanamuttoo Science Award: Presented to the student with the highest academic standing in science.
Michel Vinet French Immersion Award: Presented to a student for excellence in French Immersion.
Other Subject Awards: Presented to the student with the highest academic standing in each of the other subjects (not mentioned previously).
Valedictorian: Presented to the student who has achieved a high academic standing across all subject areas while also demonstrating school leadership.
School Council
School council meets in the school library at 6:30 p.m. on the third Tuesday of each month. The meetings are open to all parents, staff, and local citizens. You are strongly encouraged to participate in your child’s education through the work of the council. New members are always welcome!
Student Absences
How to report a student absence
A student who arrives late is to sign in and obtain an admit slip from the office. When leaving school during the day, students must be signed out at the office by a parent/guardian. PLEASE HELP US WITH OUR SAFE ARRIVAL PROGRAM BY KEEPING YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION UP TO DATE (i.e. address, e-mail, phone numbers, emergency contacts). NOTE: On snow days, if your child is a ‘yellow bus’ student there is no need to call in your child’s absence. If your child is a ‘walker’ student and not attending school on a snow day, you must phone in their absence. Thank you for helping to keep our students safe.
School Procedures
Academic Fraud
If a student participates in academic fraud (e.g. cheating on a test, copying from another student, plagiarism on an assignment), he/she is deemed not to have met the expectations, no grade will be assigned for that particular evaluation, and parents will be notified. At the teacher’s discretion, the student may be required to redo the assignment or complete an alternate assignment.
Supervision of Students
The school assumes responsibility for the supervision of students on the school premises, school buses and on educational field trips and excursions. Adult supervision begins at 9:00 a.m. and ends at 3:55 p.m. For safety reasons we ask that students arrive at school after 9:00 am in the morning and leave school grounds immediately after school (unless they are attending a scheduled, supervised school activity/sport).
Early Leaving
For safety reasons, students are not permitted to leave the school before regular dismissal time unless they have a note from home and are signed out at the office by a parent/guardian. If you are picking up your child early, please come to the office and we will call your child from class. We do not allow children to wait in front of the school. We ask all parents waiting to pick up a student during/ after school hours to wait outside the main office, or outside Door B and not go to the child’s class.
Bus Students
Appropriate bus behaviour is expected at all times. This includes staying seated and facing the front while the bus is moving and keeping the noise level low. Any student who does not comply with the bus safety rules will face consequences from the office which may involve removal of bus privileges. No changes in routine (a different bus stop) will be considered due to liability and limited availability of seating space.
Bus Cancellation/Early Dismissal
In the event of bus cancellations or early dismissal due to poor weather conditions, parents are asked to listen to the local radio stations or check the OCDSB website for a report rather than calling the school. When buses are cancelled and the school is open, transportation is the parents’ responsibility. When buses are cancelled in the morning, they are cancelled for the day, so if you drive your child to school be sure you can be back on time for pick up.
Illness or Injury at School
Students who are injured or ill will report to the office. If needed, parents will be contacted.Please make sure that you inform the office of all changes of address, telephone, baby-sitter or emergency contacts. We rely on the student data in our computer system to reach you.
When a student moves away, parents are requested to advise the office staff. In order for the next school to have as much information as possible about the educational development of students, we prepare special transfer forms. Please notify us at least one week in advance of your move so that these transfer forms can be carefully prepared.
Due to safety reasons all visitors to D. Roy Kennedy Public School are required to report directly to the office for assistance. Volunteers are asked to sign in and out at the office and to wear a Volunteer badge. Parents who pick up their children at the end of the day are asked to wait outside the main office, or outside Door B and not at their child’s classroom door.
Students who ride their bicycle to school must use the bicycle racks and should use a lock to prevent theft. The school does not accept responsibility for loss or damage to bicycles. Bicycles, scooters, skateboards and rollerblades should not be ridden on school property. Helmets must be worn.
Medication at School
All medicine that is brought to school must be in the original container, with the student’s name clearly on the label. Medicine must be accompanied by a completed Board form, Authorization for Administration of Medication, which can be obtained from the office. This form requires a parent and physician signature. We are not able to administer any medication without this form. For safety reasons, medication must be kept in the office and administered under staff supervision.
The school staff cannot be held responsible for money, cell phones, or other items of value. We recommend that valuables not be brought to school.
Extra Help
Students are encouraged to seek out extra help from their teachers as required. Attending extra help sessions is a means through which the staff is able to promote and encourage student responsibility and learning accountability.
Homework/Teacher Communications
A variety of academic responsibilities must be assumed by each student. These include daily homework, daily reading, review of the day's work, studying for tests, and completion of individual assignments and long-term projects. Teachers will advise parents of their communication system for homework which may vary from teacher to teacher. Commonly used systems include websites/blogs/Google Classroom, agendas, or e-mail communications. Parents are encouraged to regularly check the communication system (website, email for example) and to contact the teacher if any questions.
Lockers are the property of the school and any decorating on the inside must reflect the school code of conduct. All intermediate students are expected to have a combination lock on their lockers and keep them locked at all times. Students who fail to follow this regulation may lose their locker privileges. Students will be respectful to other students and property when at their lockers or in the hallways. Students are expected to conduct themselves in a quiet, orderly manner in the halls.
Internet/Cellphone Use by Students
Parents must sign the Ottawa Carleton District School Board’s Acceptable Use Policy form at the beginning of the year in order for their child to access the internet for educational purposes.
Students who bring cellphones to school are expected to place them in a secure location and they are to be “off and away” during school hours. The school is not responsible for the loss or any damage to cell phones.
Internet use outside of school, including cyber-bullying, that affects the moral tone of the school or impacts the emotional or physical well-being of our students, can result in school consequences, including suspension.