*Please note: These routines may be added to/updated as the school year progresses. Please check back frequently for any updates.
School Hours: Our school hours are 9:15 AM to 3:45 PM. Supervision on the school yard begins at 9:05 AM. For safety reasons, it is important that students not arrive at school prior to 9:05 AM and leave promptly at 3:45 PM.
Balanced Day: D. Roy Kennedy PS operates on the balanced day model. This means that the day is broken up into three different parts separated by two nutrition breaks and two recesses.
For our students in Grades 1-8, the first break comes at 11:15 AM. Students have 20 minutes for their recess break, after which they have 20 minutes for their nutrition break. The second break is at 1:35 PM. Students have 30 minutes for their recess break, followed by 20 minutes of for their nutrition break. The kindergarten routine is at the same time but reversed; that is, they have their nutrition breaks first, then outdoor play second.
Attendance Procedures: Please inform the school on any day when a child will be absent or late arriving. Our attendance line is 613-722-0647. Our 24-hour answering machine will record messages received outside of school office hours and during busy periods. Unless notified, we will attempt to contact parents of children who are absent. Please notify the school if your child has a contagious condition.
Emergency Phone Numbers: Up-to-date student information enables us to contact you in an emergency. Please inform us of any changes to your telephone numbers for work, caregivers, emergency contacts.
Arrive On Time: Students are expected to arrive on time as late arrivals disrupt learning for all students. We will work with families to support children who experience difficulty arriving on time.
Students Leaving Early (Change in Routine): Whenever you wish to alter your child’s regular school routine or regular dismissal routine, e.g., a child who normally takes the bus is to be picked up by a parent, please inform the homeroom teacher by sending a brief note. Parents are asked to pick up their child from the main office (Door A) and sign him/her out in our Sign Out Book located at the front desk. Only in exceptional or emergency circumstances, are we able to relay a message to students.
Visitors: Parents and volunteers are required to stop by the office (entrance Door A) to sign in and to request a visitor’s badge. Staff and students are then able to recognize you as an authorized visitor.
Books: In the case of lost or damaged books, students/parents are responsible for the replacement cost.
Lost and Found: Label all clothing and possessions with first and last names and/or initials. Unclaimed items will be deposited in the Lost and Found area that is located near the main entrance. Students and parents are encouraged to check for lost items at any time. Unclaimed items are donated to a charitable organization periodically.
Valuables: The school cannot be responsible for the loss of personal property (cell phones, toys, etc).
Bus Transportation: Occasionally, severe winter conditions cause a transportation shutdown. For up to date information regarding student transportation, please visit the Ottawa Carleton Student Transportation Authority (OSTA) website, check our twitter feed, or the D. Roy Kennedy PS website, or listen to local radio. The school building normally remains open.
If parents/guardians opt to drive their children to school, they MUST pick them up by the dismissal time, 3:45 PM. If buses do not run in the morning, they will NOT run at noon or in the afternoon, even if road conditions improve.
Wheels on the School Yard: Bikes must be walked across the school yard, parking lot and locked in the bike racks. Roller blades must be removed upon entrance to the school property. Scooters must be folded while in the school yard. Intermediate students may ride skateboards, but they must be carried on school property and stowed in lockers during school hours. Helmets are mandatory.